But Michael Lynch, a professor and manager of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan who is running against Moolenaar, ...
Corrosion in a deep monitoring well allowed CO2 to leak into an unauthorized formation but did not threaten water sources, ...
New attention to trifluoracetic acid, or TFA, underscores the game of whack-a-mole that scientists and communities face with ...
Former President Donald Trump promised Californians unprecedented access to water and reduced protections for a key fish ...
New state rules provide ample time — too much time, critics say — for electric companies to link EV stations to the grid.
Amid a debate over the future of four dams on the river, the Army Corps of Engineers and Washington state officials are ...
The Department of Energy announced the closing of a $72.8 million loan guarantee Friday on tribal lands in California, ...
The Kentucky-based Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies represents 51 state and local air pollution control agencies ...
The lawmakers want to create something akin to the Superfund law for climate. The idea could get traction if the party wins ...
The agency will have a chance to respond to concerns about what happens to the rule after courts froze implementation in many ...
At least nine states have not been conducting regular audits of their state revolving funds, putting billions of federal ...
Opponents challenging a state permit for the $8 billion Summit Carbon project say it would trample on property rights.