Adapted from the original Parisian designs by Lacotte himself and brought to life by Michel Ronvaux, the outfits feel like a celebration of 19th-century fashion, while maintaining an elegance and ...
April 2024, main General Aviation exhibition in Europe turns 30th. The German show has been on the world scene of GA for 30th years now and over the years it has also added Business Aviation and a ...
Rome [ENA] Karoline Kan was born in 1989 and is a former New York Times reporter who writes about millennial life and politics in China. Currently she’s an editor at China Dialogue and lives in ...
Rome/London [ENA] The second edition of the Global Report on Women in Tourism has been launched in London on 7 November by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), in collaboration with UN Women ...
Italy [ENA] In Italy there are more than 1000 officially registered beauty contests. Most of them are national, some EU and 43 international. In the world there are more than 18,000 competitions ...
Rome/Brussels [ENA] Human Rights and democracy are vital areas of EU co-operation, and activities in this sector are supported through a number of instruments. European Union (EU) is established ...
Rome/Madrid [ENA] The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the United Nations World Tourism Organization combined their forces to strengthen sustainable and inclusive ...
Berlin [ENA] Bei der fünften öffentlichen Wahl zum Vogel des Jahres ist der Hausrotschwanz als Sieger hervorgegangen. Dies ...
Mainz [ENA] Rudolf Levy besuchte 1895 die Kunstakademie Karlsruhe, dann ab 1899 die Akademie der Bildenden Künste München.
Köln / Rheinland [ENA] Auf Spurensuche in der Welt der Insekten bis hin zu HipHop und Flitzebögen bauen. LVR-Museen bieten in den Herbstferien ein buntes Programm / Workshops, Führungen und kreative A ...
Berlin [ENA] Die Wohnraumentwicklung im Umland Berlins nimmt zunehmend an Dynamik zu. Der demografische Wandel, die anhaltende Zuwanderung und das Wachstum der urbanen Bevölkerung leisten ihr Übriges ...
München [ENA] Über 40.000 Teilnehmer aus 75 Ländern und Regionen, 1.778 Aussteller aus 34 Ländern, zahlreiche Gespräche und ...