After Békés county, the laboratory of Hungarys National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has detected the presence of the highly pathogenic avian influenza also in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county. The ...
A subtype of the avian influenza virus (also known as bird flu) has been detected by the laboratory of Hungarys National Food ...
Just a few days after the first cases of the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza, commonly called bird flu, were confirmed in wild birds in Hungary, the laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety ...
In Hungary, the challenges facing public education – underfunding, teacher shortages, outdated curricula - has led to a ...
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Mr. Zombor Erdélyi graduated from the Corvinus University of Budapest in 2010 with a degree in Economics and Mathematical ...
Gergely Szabó has been leading MET Hungary since December 2014 and was appointed Regional Chairman of MET Central Europe from ...
The 20th PIF is here! This real estate market is not the same as it was in 2005! It is mature, professional, prospering, competitive, transparent, flexible, tenant- and function-oriented. What will ...
Az elmúlt években a bankoknak aktívan alkalmazkodniuk kellett a rendszeres szabályozói beavatkozásokhoz, amely egyszerre több ...
Múlt pénteken végül sikerült javítaniuk a közel-keleti konfliktus eszkalálódásával terhelt heti teljesítményükön a tőzsdéknek ...
Tavaly óta új adatszolgáltatási kötelezettség terheli a kapcsolt vállalkozással rendelkező közép- és nagyvállalatokat, már a ...
Vasárnap online beszédet tartott Volodimir Zelenszkij ukrán elnök, mivel két hónappal ezelőtt indult meg Ukrajna váratlan ...