The Quy Nhon City project aims to develop regulations, action plans and measures for waste management, replicate successful models.
In a dedicated effort to uplift the lives of marginalized fisherfolk, Senate Majority Leader Francis ‘Tol’ Tolentino visited ...
Caitlin Bolton, environmental planner for the Anacostia Restoration Program by the Washington Metropolitan Council of Governments (MWCOG), said a grant will help efforts to tackle abandoned boats ...
Over 20,000 shipping containers have fallen overboard since 2010, their contents polluting shorelines and habitats.
Removing the abandoned boats means collaborating with marinas ... some of them extended plastic claw tools into the water and mud, searching for sunken items. “Plastic bottle!
"They defecate, urinate and dump all their wastewater — shampoo and bathwater — directly into the lagoon," said Ray Walton, ...
Jonathan Klopman Despite breathless press coverage, the crusade for “carbon neutral boating” seems to be losing steam.
The $844.6mn cycle helmet market has been crying out for another revolution. Enter Ventete (pronounced “von-tet”), a British company that has created the world’s first inflatable cycle helmet. Folded ...
While Maryland officials are in Sweden to conduct environmental research, examine electric ferries and meet Swedish leaders, ...
Federal government joins Global Ghost Gear Initiative and commits to spending $1.4 million to address the massive problemUp ...
Set in the heart of Kainamo Village, Bushenyi, southwestern Uganda, The Tonto Masters of Kainamo captures the fading art of ...
Once rescue boats arrived, the water was so dangerous ... O’Neil and her sister waded into the chest-deep water with one cat in a plastic carrier and another in a cardboard box.