Conditions in the Pacific Ocean have become more La Nina-like in recent weeks, but if the weather pattern does form, it is ...
When it comes to Labor’s ambitious target to build 1.2 million new homes as part of its aims to alleviate the housing crisis, ...
Meteorological agencies predict a possible La Niña event by year's end, with the BoM on 'watch' status, suggesting a 50 per ...
There are growing signs Australia's most impactful climate driver, La Niña, will develop during the coming months.
Australia's weather bureau reports that conditions in the Pacific Ocean have recently become more La Nina-like. However, the ...
“La Niña is favored to emerge in September-November (71% chance) and is expected to persist through January-March 2025,” the ...
The delayed onset means La Niña will have a weaker atmospheric effect, allowing other weather patterns, such as the North ...
La Niña weather will likely develop in coming months but it could be relatively weak (in terms of the magnitude of the sea ...
The weather-roiling La Niña that forecasters have been predicting for months will likely arrive late and in a weakened form, ...
The World Meteorological Organization has upgraded its La Nina forecast and is now predicting a 60 per cent chance of the ...
Australia is no stranger to extreme weather. From heat waves and droughts to flooding rains, hailstorms or fire weather, our ...