Every CEO wants a company with engaged employees. But what’s the magic sauce to turn disheartened, apathetic employees into energized, driven leaders that innovate teams, processes, and ultimately ...
We know our economy is changing. Gone are the days when most people graduated high school or college, got a job with an established company, and worked there for many years until they retired with a ...
If you've come up with a business idea that you can go with, that's a job well done. You've taken the first step towards building an actual business, but you must then follow through with execution.
It’s official: influencer marketing is the next big trend in advertising. In 2019 alone, the influencer market was worth $6.5 billion. Instagram is the go-to platform for influencer marketing, and ...
Imagine you are out for a ride on a 10-seat bicycle with nine of your closest friends. It might sound like a fun adventure, but what happens when everyone stops working toward a common goal? Suppose ...
John Maxwell said, “The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” Never before have we been in a situation where we must adjust sails to ...
Running an entrepreneurial business is very different than running a large company. You get to enjoy first hand and close up the thrills of independence, the challenges of the unknown, and the great ...
Most companies promote their products and services with a corporate branding strategy but far fewer realize the importance of promoting their employer brand. And as the U.S. economy picks up steam and ...
Big Data. It’s proliferating companies like never before. Yet these high volumes of data are often found in pockets and silos throughout the organization without a truly comprehensive way to transform ...
Diversity of opinion fuels innovation. It’s what allows entrepreneurs to question sacred cows and make swift, smart decisions that keep their budding businesses at the cutting edge. However, according ...
You know that as a CEO, you are chief steward of your company’s resources. One of your biggest, if not the biggest, asset on your balance sheet is likely to be your accounts receivable. For most ...
Don’t let the jobs reports give you too much confidence in our economy. The warning signs are still all around us that a recession looms. Whether we have a “soft landing” or not, layoffs are still ...