Prior to October of last year, Gazans were already living with challenges born out of multiple rounds of escalations in ...
Anguished families wait for release of those held hostage, or at least of news of their fate. Many are still mourning loved ...
Geneva (ICRC) – Seventeen metric tons of urgently needed medical supplies have arrived in Beirut via air cargo from the ...
The ICRC recognizes the legitimacy for States to take responsive action, in conformity with international law, to counter ...
Les parties au conflit doivent répondre aux besoins essentiels de la population civile, dont l’accès à l’eau, à la nourriture ...
МККК быстро и эффективно оказывает помощь тем, кто пострадал из-за вооруженных конфликтов.
Geneva (ICRC) – As violence intensifies across the Middle East, the region sits on the precipice of a region-wide armed ...
Le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) lance un appel urgent aux parties au conflit afin qu’elles respectent le ...
El/la Oficial de protección del programa para personas desaparecidas es asignado al grupo de trabajo de personas desaparecidas, personas fallecidas y sus familiares para México. La persona apoya en la ...
Ситуация на Ближнем Востоке ухудшается, недавняя эскалация насилия затронула жизни огромного числа людей в секторе Газа, Ливане, Йемене и ...
The analyst is responsible for performing controls and ensuring both the appropriate use of PAC’s policy-making framework and compliance with legislation and other standards. They provide ...