The resistance point at Selydove is currently the most serious obstacle to the Russians' movement westwards and a key element ...
On 7 October, Slovak-Ukrainian intergovernmental consultations were held near Uzhhorod, in the Zakarpattia Oblast. During the meeting, the two sides reviewed the progress of the projects outlined in ...
The fighting for Vuhledar has been ongoing with varying intensity since March 2022, i.e. since the Russian offensive was ...
Turkish state-owned energy company BOTAÅž signed a 10-year contract with the British oil giant Shell for the annual supply of four billion cubic metres of gas to Turkey starting in January 2027. The ...
On 30 September, officials from the Lithuanian Ministry of Justice submitted a request to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague on behalf of the Republic of Lithuania to initiate an ...
On 1 October, the left-liberal Czech Pirate Party (Pirates) exited the government coalition. This development was a direct consequence of Prime Minister Petr Fiala’s (of the right-wing Civic ...
We wrzeÅ›niu br. niemieckie MSZ opublikowaÅ‚o dokument Wytyczne niemieckiej polityki arktycznej. Niemcy i Arktyka w kontekÅ›cie kryzysu klimatycznego i Zeitenwende, w którym resort wyznaczyÅ‚ trzy podstaw ...
9 października na sesji plenarnej Parlamentu Europejskiego (PE) Viktor Orbán zaprezentowaÅ‚ priorytety wÄ™gierskiego przewodnictwa w Radzie Unii Europejskiej (RUE). Premier koncentrowaÅ‚ siÄ™ na powszechn ...