Musical animated series dedicated to telling diverse stories that chronicle the shaping of race relations in America.
"A lot of women before us paved the way to be as loud and proud as possible." HBO has revealed an official trailer for a ...
Top Cast: Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, James Baldwin, Samuel L. Jackson Notorious killer whale Tilikum is responsible ...
In celebration of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre's 50th anniversary, we looked back at the highly influential crop of 1974 ...
If history TV shows are your thing, Max has plenty of content to scratch that itch. Check out the list below, which features ...
A stateline city is getting some love with an ongoing local history project that will air on TV and premiere at an area event ...
This gripping film tells the incredible true story of three black NASA employees, Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary ...
In the mood to watch something that's informative and thought-provoking? Something with eye-opening insights or compelling ...
Drake and Kendrick Lamar created one of the biggest moments in Hip-Hop history earlier this year when they went head-to-head ...
A NEW documentary about the occupation of Alderney starts on the Sky History next Tuesday. The launch of Lord Pickles Expert ...
Produced and directed by our own Clayton Ashley and Simone de Rochefort, and narrated by New York Times columnist Jamelle ...
This coming-of-age television comedy-drama on Netflix tells the story of four teenagers and their lives in and near a mostly ...