In this course you will do a comprehensive system development project in teams, and will receive training in using modern methods, techniques and tools in software engineering. The special admission ...
The course introduces data acquisition and control in PC-based systems and embedded systems, for use in instrumentation and control. The course deals with inertial sensors, acquisition of data from ...
The course gives a thorough introduction to measure and integration theory together with a basic introduction to functional analysis. Covered topics include Banach and Hilbert spaces, Hahn-Banach ...
For students interested in the nervous system, this course in neurophysiology covers the basic principles of neuron signalling and interactions that underlie brain function, spanning from the function ...
The Master’s thesis is an independent scientific paper. It shall be conducted in accordance with general scientific standards and the requirements to form and content within the research field that is ...
This course is addressed to unexperienced mass spectrometry users from various fields (e.g., chemistry, biology, pharmacy, medicine, physics, geology) who want to understand how their instrument works ...
Algebraic geometry is a classical subject with a modern face that studies geometric objects defined by polynomial equations in several variables. The course introduces the basic objects in algebraic ...
The course covers central topics in immunology for students who already have a basic knowledge of immunology. The focus is on the adaptive immune system in 1) defense against pathogens, 2) ...
The course provides a thorough introduction to modern evolutionary science, with an emphasis on phenotypic evolution, life history theory, adaptation, speciation and macroevolution. Mathematics R2 was ...
Det er en obligatorisk feltmodul studentene må gjennomføre i dette kurset. I tillegg er det forelesninger noen ganger i løpet av semesteret. Se timeplan på semestersiden. Obligatoriske oppgaver må ...
Obligatoriske labrapporter og undervisning må være godkjent for å kunne gå opp til eksamen. Godkjente obligatoriske labrapporter og undervisning er gyldige i 3 år. Undervisningsspråket er engelsk, men ...
Anvendelser av residueteoremet, Monels teorem, Cauchy-estimater, løsning av d-bar, Runges teorem, Cousin I og II, Ahlfors-Schwarz-Pick Lemma, Riemanns avbildingssats, litt om Möbiustransformasjoner, ...