“We have lofty goals when it comes to excellence and equity in our education system – and in a time when many might consider ...
The focus on teacher inquiry to enhance student learning is a key feature of The New Zealand Curriculum and in New Zealand’s approach to teacher professional learning. This article examines how a ...
Advice from a Teacher/Librarian, mainly to Principals and Librarians. Lots of good ideas that you may not have heard of. All have been tried and found successful.
Classroom discipline is only one aspect of classroom management but it often looms large in teachers' lives. The accent in this article is on preventing discipline problems by creating a busy ...
Schools have adopted different strategies in their attempts to cope with all the recent curriculum changes, and teachers have different views on the new curriculum documents - but how new is new?
Looks at the effectiveness of the Me and My School survey, created by the NZCER and designed for students in Years 7 to 10, which is used to consider how students perceive their own levels of ...
This widely used test has been revised and standardised for use in New Zealand. It is an individually administered test, which provides a measure of an aspect of a child's word reading skills, ie word ...
The 'introduction' workshop is ideal for schools new to the tool. You will learn how to administer the survey and can ask questions about the use of the survey, the reporting, and become more ...
The way beginning teachers find jobs, or are directed into them, are very different, country to country, state to state. Here a brand new system, at the 'market-forces' end of the spectrum, is ...
Even the most enthusiastic computer-hooked teachers do not have time to make all the programs they would like to use in class. Commercial programs need vetting. This reprint from the TES gives the ...
Three teachers tentatively tried taking reports home instead of holding interviews at school. The next year all the staff leaped in. Now they say, 'A most successful way to improve relationships and ...
PE lessons look full of stimulating and beneficial activity. But are they? You can try some of this research out yourself. It can lead to greater achievement and enjoyment.